New ‘agri-tech’ training academy for farmers and growers

Officially launched at the 2014 Cereals event, the Agri-tech Register and Training for Innovation and Skills (ARTIS) academy is a new national training programme for agronomists, farmers and commercial growers.
Industry led and solely based upon the latest agricultural and horticultural research, the courses are structured to help businesses of all sizes apply the latest methods and technology to their everyday operations. Topics cover fundamentals such as; soils and water,crop protection, nutrient management, new farming systems and optimising production.
Dr Juno McKee ARTIS Course Co-ordinator says: “We believe that the key to a successful future is making sure the latest thinking and methods are disseminated throughout the industry and put into practice.”
Trainers are selected based on their knowledge and expertise in the specific areas identified by the research.
There is already a comprehensive programme in place. June dates are shown below and more details can be found on the website (soil type of demonstration pit at each venue is given in italics):
- Essex – 25th June, Writtle College Rural Business Centre, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 3RP
Delivered by Mel Holloway, Senior Consultant at ADAS UK Ltd. (Clay loam)
- Yorkshire – 26th June, Askham Bryan College, York YO23 3FR
(with afternoon in-field session at a nearby site)
Delivered by Paul Newell-Price, Senior Research Scientist at ADAS UK Ltd. (Sandy clay loam over limestone) - Gloucestershire – 30th June, Rural Innovation Centre, RAU, Cirencester GL7 6JS
Delivered by Ken Smith, Principal Research Scientist at ADAS UK Ltd. (Clay)
Cost: £200 excluding VAT
Places can be booked at or by contacting Douglas Hobbs on 01223 342421 or Victoria Beard on 01223 342416
Anyone who feels qualified and eligible to become an accredited ARTIS trainer is encouraged to contact
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