Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
So here it is finally. It’s been a bit of a slog making it happen but Pocket Farm, your new online country lifestyle and crafts magazine, has finally arrived on a browser near you.
As it happens, I think the fact that its delayed arrival coincides with the New Year is not such as bad thing, after all this is traditionally the time when many of us might re-appraise our lives and even have a certain optimism about what we can achieve in the coming twelve months. You might be looking for a complete change of direction but you don’t necessarily have to do anything radical to make a significant difference. If you fancy dabbling in something new, interesting, challenging or rewarding – something outside your comfort zone – you’ll find plenty to whet your appetite here and, however involved you want to be, that’s what Pocket Farm is all about.
On these pages you will find a wealth of ideas and information from some of the county’s leading authorities covering the full scope of small-scale farming, self-sufficiency and crafting activities. And don’t think you can’t get involved if you don’t have acres of land or live in a town,, as much of what we cover can be scaled-down and adapted to suit many different circumstances.
There is still a lot of work to do and you will find a few gaps here and there to start with, but you can be assured that I will be bringing you much, much more of the best content on the subjects that interest you most. You can help this happen by giving me as much feedback as possible. Let me know what you want to read about, the features you expect to see, what you like and what you don’t. All your comments and ideas will be welcome and help me to appraise, adjust and improve the content so you get exactly the information and resources you want. If you have a particular passion or area of expertise that you would like to share you may even want to consider contributing – I would be delighted to hear from you.
Enjoy the magazine.
Most recent Blog articles
- Field target archery: the most fun you can have with sticks 26th June, 2015
- Pocket Farm goes out and about 19th June, 2015
- Chicken keeping – a little bit of knowledge goes a long way 17th May, 2015
- Outfoxing the foxes – when Reynard comes around 14th March, 2015
- Debate: Should we really be rehoming ex-battery hens? 17th December, 2014
- Book review: Raising Cattle for Dairy and Beef 06th September, 2014
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