Grand opening of Sele Road community allotment project

New date for opening now set
Saturday 20 April 2013 will see the official opening of the Sele Road community allotment in Hertford.
The Lovely Grub Garden Open Day celebrates the culmination of a year long collaboration between local residents, community organisations and environmental charity, Groundwork Hertfordshire, to transform a piece of disused land on Sele Road into a community food growing space.
The Hertford Town Council initiative also received additional funding from the M&S Legacy Fund, East Herts Council and the National Lottery’s Big Lottery Fund and support from members of local environmental group Transition Hertford.
The site is bordered by Sele Road and the footpath that runs between North Road and Welwyn Road. Highlights include raised beds constructed at different levels to allow access to all ages and abilities, a community orchard, edible hedge, water harvesters and compost bays.
Regular volunteer and local resident Sam Branch said: “Our Open Day is an opportunity for everyone to come along and see what has already been achieved. ” Cllr Matthew McCormick, Chairman of the Community Services Committee added, “Transforming this overgrown area of land into a community allotment represents one of the Council’s aims and objectives for 2011 to 2015.
This new area has been specially designed to allow local residents and community groups to work together and experience the benefits associated with allotment gardening.”
For any local residents who would like to be involved in the project there is still availability to join up and have fun growing food together. More information can be found by contacting Tricia Carpenter at the Town Council on 01992 552885
The Lovely Grub Garden will be open from 11am to 1pm. There will be refreshments and activities for all ages, including a sunflower growing competition, face painting and storytelling.
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