Pocket Farm Magazine Chickens and Bantams

Preventing egg laying problems in older hens with implants


As hens get older they have a tendency to develop problems when laying eggs. As they approach the end of lay stage shells may begin to display full or partial wrinkling. This is caused by reduced elasticity of the tubes which the eggs travel down as ...

Hypothermia and frostbite in chickens and ducks

Chickens in the snow - frostbite and hypothermia

Taking care of chickens and ducks during winter has already been covered as a subject but how many readers realise that they can actually suffer from hypothermia and frostbite? Hypothermia Some chickens, particularly youngsters who are not used to ...


Helping free range chickens cope with the cold

Chickens on a cold wet day

With a New Year just around the corner, chicken keepers know that temperatures are going to drop; with the usual wind and rain of autumn and early winter soon to be accompanied by an icy chill. This decline in temperature usually witnesses some ...


Guide to wing clipping for chickens

Wing clipping guide

Wing clipping, if done properly, is a harmless method of preventing your chickens flying if they are predisposed to escaping an allotted area. It is used if they are likely to venture in to neighbouring areas where they are not welcome or it is ...

Moulting and feather loss

Hen with feather loss on neck

Chickens need feathers to provide protection and insulation for the body and to make sure these vital assets stay in tip top condition chickens will shed their feathers annually – although it can occasionally happen more or less frequently – ...


Project: Three bird chicken coop with removeable run

Finished chicken coop

Okay, here it is, the Pocket Farm chicken coop and run project. These instructions are best used in conjunction with the plans which can be downloaded here and the photos which accompany the text below. This is a project that I have just completed ...


Breed focus: A peek at Pekin bantams

Blue pekin bantam

Pekins are a true bantam breed, meaning that there is no large fowl counterpart. As is often the case there are several suggestions as to the origin of the breed – the most popular alleges that they were stolen from the private collection of the Emperor of China in Peking in 1860 but it ...

Eggs: ‘Ovoiding’ problems and other peculiarities

Wrinkled egg

Seasoned keepers will know that eggs can present themselves in many shapes and sizes outside of the classic egg shape we expect but they will also know whether or not an unusual shape is an indication of something more sinister or not. ...


Poultry health: Marek's disease

Young chicken with Marek's disease

A highly contagious disease that can survive for months or years in litter and poultry dust. Infection occurs through the respiratory system. Incubation periods range from 3 weeks to several months. Chicks become infected at an early age, whilst the ...


Chicken keeping – warts an’ all

Chickens at home

Poultry keeper James Marshall will often be found writing about farming and the countryside on his blog Outdoorsandmore. Here, he takes time out to make a light-hearted, but nevertheless identifiable, comparison between what some of the more romantic ...


Picture tutorial: Show preparation for soft feather poultry

Show winning soft feather Silkie

In this photo tutorial we show you how to prepare a soft feather bird for showing. You can apply the same methods to all birds, the only difference for a breed such as silkies (as shown in the pictures) who’s barbless feathers soak up water ...

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