Pocket Farm Magazine Livestock, Page 3

Absolute beginner’s guide to breeding sheep


As I said in my previous article, there is already masses of material in print and on the net covering every aspect of sheep keeping in great detail. For this reason I have tried to write my article in a way that will deal with the fundamentals. With ...

Pygmy goats part 4(b): Diet – feed according to need

Goats browsing forage

At any time of the year the golden rule when it comes to feeding all animals is to ‘feed according to need’. This is especially the case during the long late autumn and winter months when natural forages – hedgerow plants, tree leaves, shrubs ...

Pygmy goats part 4(a): Nutrition – the ruminant stomach

The ruminant stomach

Goats are ruminant animals, along with sheep, cows and deer, which means that they belong to the ‘cud chewing’ group of animals. They digest a large amount of roughage which contains a high degree of cellulose. Cellulose is an essential source of ...

Keeping Angora rabbits for fibre

Show winning giant Angora

In this country rabbits are generally considered to be a childrens” pet and for many they are the first real experience of caring for an animal. However, there are also certain breeds that are farmed either for meat or, as this article discusses, for their extraordinarily warm and soft ’wool’. ...

Pygmy goats part 3: routine tasks

Ready to start hoof trimming

Having considered the provision of an appropriate environment for pygmy goats, we must next think about essential routine tasks before going on to nutrition and more specific health matters. It goes without saying that all of these factors work ...


Showtime: advice and information for novice handlers

Simmental show line up

It’s a great feeling to come away from a county show livestock competition with a rosette or two and it can be very beneficial if you are looking to sell stock on later. However, if you haven’t shown your animals before, going up against ...

Pygmy goats part 2: housing and other facilities

Pygmy goat play area

Having broadly considered the various issues surrounding your initial purchase of pygmy goats in the previous article, we now look at the specific facilities needed to provide a comfortable environment for them. Few of us will have the luxury of ...

Pygmy goats part 1: before buying your goats

A pair of pygmy wethers

As with any livestock, if you are thinking of keeping pygmy goats, there are certain considerations that will have to be addressed before you get started. The first in a series of articles addressing the principle facets of pygmy goat ownership. ...

Pygmy goats: an introduction

Pygmy Goat

The breed of pygmy goat as we know it in this country owes its origin to the cross-breeding of two different types of miniature goat found in the equatorial regions of Africa – The West African Dwarf, with its disproportionately short legs, ...

Pig feed legislation


Contaminated waste food can spread viruses and bacteria to livestock, so not only could your pig become very ill but it could also quickly infect other animals. For this reason it is illegal to feed your animal with waste food and scraps from your ...

Starting with Kunekunes


Kunekunes are notoriously clean and tidy – honest! Pocket Farm explores some of the questions and dispels the myths that will help you decide if Kunekunes are suitable for you….. Let’s face it pigs have appeal – I bet you know at least one person with a pig themed ...

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