Pocket Farm Magazine Environment

Amazing graze: conservation grazing for smallholders

Grazing meadow - Hertford

It’s no exaggeration to say that vast swathes of what you might consider our natural landscape were actually created by human intervention with much of our semi-natural habitat the result of some form of agriculture, often subsistence farming. ...


  1. Conservation
  2. Wildlife

A rare beauty? Not this lot

Natterjack Toad

We are all familiar with the current plight of red squirrels, hedgehogs and orchids as they all benefit from high profile and sustained awareness campaigns. This is almost certainly due to the fact that they happen to have been dealt a good hand when it comes to looks and as such have become ...

The plight of the humble (honey) bee

Honey Bee on Sedum

When you consider what they do it’s hard to overplay the role that bees fulfil in our planet’s cycle of life. Here Michael Cook gives us an insight into the current crisis facing the honey bee population and what we can do to overcome it... ...

Visit: Amwell Nature Reserve

Amwell winter view

Since purchasing the Amwell Nature Reserve site in 2006 Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust has worked to restore it to a diverse wetland habitat which is now internationally important to nature conservation, forming part of a 25 mile living landscape ...

Project: Build a Bird Box

Bird Box Project

With the BTO’s Bird Box Week just around the corner and the territory battles hotting up it’s time to break out the hammer and nails and give your local birdlife a helping hand onto the property ladder with a homemade avian des res. Failing that you could always enter our competition to win ...

Hedgehog crisis: a prickly problem

Two hedgehogs

The hedgehog population is declining at an alarming rate due to loss of habitat and the consequent environmental pressures such as dwindling food supplies. These timid little creatures are also becoming pray to larger mammals such as badgers who are ...

Wild Things – volunteering with the Wildlife Trust

Woodland Work

The Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust does a huge amount of work each year maintaining nature reserves and raising awareness of the issues affecting the area’s wildlife and ecology. Much of this work is undertaken by a willing and enthusiastic ...

Bats: Interview with a vampire

Pipistrelle bat on a rock

You’re not exactly the sinister razor-toothed fiend I was expecting. No, we do have this reputation we don’t quite live up to in the flesh and it’s one we certainly don’t deserve. So tell us a bit about yourself? Well, I am a Pipistrelle ...